Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stark Possibilities

Possibilities are available,
Me and I, am not
been drowning in ... what's not hailable
and damn the temperatures hot.

Still I don't, know what's wrong with me
Sure, My karma can tell
I have really sunken deep
down into this very hell.

I made it up
can't let me give in
It's got to change
I've got to win.

I am in control of it
I know that
No matter, how unfailable
My little old trail
is simply

Gotta finish this start
make a move for the mark
Ain't been getting very far
(don't need your car!!!)
The contrast is stark
yet still,
I'm well aware...

I'm a star.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Moment To Matter

As you are looking ahead,
At much you can not see
Anticipation of what's to be said
Or of what may never be.

Yet, right behind you
Is a seat
To past experiences
You dare not repeat.
Some incomplete.
Others tidy and neat.

To see if you grew;
Or if you know now
What you always knew.
Don't ignore
All that was, and came before.

Tomorrows foundation
Is laid in the past
What you did before,
Will determine fast
How you live now
So let it last.

Make this moment matter
be sure to forgive,
Avoid idol chatter,
And let your soul

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring is Here; A New Movie

There a little more skin showin'
Flips floppin, biceps glowin
Theres vibrance, vigilance
A sense of renewal,
There's a desire for commitment
An air of persual.

You go through the courage,
to bury yourself In fear,
And then you find the drive,
the dream helps you get clear.

It happens every year...
Spring is here.

Not a flop, or a b movie
This picture is gonna be big
'starring in this story, gonna be grovie.
Not some ghello ass, ole rig

This is it, man
I can tell you that I'm here
I'm present, ready
Absent of all fear.

It's not like before,
At least to me, evermore
Nothing ever really changes
Except the screen, your soul

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