Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Magically, Memphis

Ode to her

Ode to her
A woman, in your life
To make demands of you; 
Push you to the knife.

Intuit your emotions
And your every need
Helping you, without you knowing-
A partner indeed.

She'll tell you stories,
Of girlfriends and gossips
Only for you, 
To tell her to stop it. 

She manages you,
With the stealthiest wit
Only with what she's given
So don't give her any shit! 

She'll console your broken soul 
Tell you, you are right
Make your dreams come true,
Tuck you in at night. 

Correct your spelling,
Guide you to eat well
Stoke your fire
Or make your life a living hell.

Your duty is, to be there
Turn off your phone,
Lend your ear to share  

Oh and also, Give her everything
Then, you will know  
the blessings 
only she can bring.  

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We think so easily
"it's so far away"
Never knowing when,
Might be our day.

Looking on, our glowing tv
Devistation, our eyes can see.
But can we feel it?
Do we let it show?
The pain and suffering
Of those we don't know.

We have to think,
As if it were you
Sitting on that rooftop
Monsoons askew.

In that moment,
Feel the pain
Understand the now,
Is just a game.

What will you do,
How will you react?
Will your Prada loafers
Make an impact?

If you step forward,
take, the first start
Not for "good meausre"
But from your heart;
Those Prada shoes shall rejoice
And march to the upperworlds
And year your voice.

Without judgment or reason
We're here to help others
Lend a sharing hand,
Enemy or brothers.

Then you reach
When the universe collides
And Miracles are
Heaven sent.

Window in Time

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Corridor of Consciousness

We are nothing but a dream,
Endless consciousness in stream.
Formulated by, this very beat.
To the next, Until we are complete.
Which forever is a never win
So we start it all, all over again.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

W'Ode to New York

Oh the places I've gone,
To get to me to now
Karmic debts from lifetimes away,
All add up here somehow.

I got on a ship, and sent myself flying
To the biggest city in the world
Trust me, I was cryin'!
'course you didn't know,
My ego was so big, I never let it show!
Big brass balls, stupid and nineteen,
I am thankful that I was pushed, to my limits -slate clean.

Say as much, I made it here,
On September 16th, the Virgo sky was clear.
Arriving timely to Union Square West,
two soft trunks, filled with my best.

Vesper Porter, was my angel of the day
She gave me shelter, at parsons I would stay.
National Shakespeare was my first stop,
to meet larry fishburne and Olympia ducac
But NOO that wasn't "good enough" for
Smartass ole Bobby-the-stray,
He was too good to be bothered for little off off broadway!!!

So what did he do?
(he'd rather I not tell you)
Away He went, on his journey of learning
With all of his heart and all of it's yearning.

What did he find? But a not-so-good gig.
Dressing windows at the gap,
Pretending he was the shit.
Six dollars and seventy five cents an hour,
a room at the y, That didn't have a shower.
In the heart of Chelsea, wasnt exactly then the same.
In those days muscle boys, played a whole 'nother game.

In less than three months, He lived in five places.
A roach motel by the park, hosting many a faces
Like, hookers and pimps and all of that grit,
And little ole he, who thought he was the shit.


That was just the beginning of a story I will tell,
On "before they were stars", showcasing the hell
And the struggle and the strife,
The sex, drugs, all rife;
The yellow brick road that took me to LA,
A girl named Martha, and her soap opera parlay.
From stage to screen,
The pictures are clear;
All of that lead me- to the light,
And to where I am here.

14 years to the day, on a set with Oliver Stone
Dreams are meant to make happen,
So, to me, don't bitch and moan.

For now, you'll just have to wait
To hear the juicy stuff
Like how I met my soulmate and
My time at Rikers -
that was tough.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Temporarily, Today

So what,
You don't look so hot today,
Or that your fur coat is
Tinged with a little grey.

So what
You've got a thicker gut
That your size 7 jeans
Are a bit too snug.

Who cares
What they think about you
They don't know
What you've been through.

They will look and see
That you are not
Who they thought you
To be.

It's not so bad
Things aren't meant to stay
When you get
all this is
Temporarily, Today.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Way To Wherever ..

On the path,
to some special place
whatever whenever,
takes charge of my grace.
A renewal of chi,
A Relax by the sea.

I've got
Sangria in mind,
Maybe a dip and dine.

A view of city,
Looking oh so pretty.
Step out of the box,
To realize what  I've Got.

The best life,
Fit for me.
Content and happy
As can

For Now.

Nothing is for free.

Sent from my iPhone

What Did You Say ?

The Path To Wherever

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Forgive You.

I can forgive, be thankful
for all I've earned.
No matter how concrete,
emotions may have turned.

I can appear cold to the world,
only to guard.
It's a defense I have,
a shell
that is hard.

I've a chance,
I know this time
to forgive what you have done to me,
I've prosecuted your crime.

All these years,
you'd think I could let go.
I'm sorry for holding on
and not even letting you know.

I'm good for that
like the IRS
rarely forget,
all that I repress.

I make no promises,
but I will this one
you have given me so much
regrets, I have none.

You have made me
what I am today
you have given me the strength
to get out of my own way.

For that, to you, I celebrate
I hope this year
brings us closer
to fate.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My sneakers are muddy, my jeans are scuffed
Though they are AG, they look a little rough.

My gucci watch, on my left
Reminds me how far i've come,
yet the moments I have missed.

A few grey hairs, I've now put away,
there to get me to to a place
Where i have to care what they say.

At 33,
a few are too many - NOT to ignore.

So today, I go to the gym
In hopes my muscles will inflate more.

Always sure, of what they don't even know.
I will keep certain things to myself,

way on the down low.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Reflections on 33; or My Birthday Wish

What I want;

Be bright and bold, Never get old
care not, what people think
With absolute
(he says with a wink)

I want to sport Ford
Thunderously fast
Leather fingerless gloves
Perfectly to match.

Speak Arabic and Italian
All in the same
Sip Dom Perignion right off of the

Become an undercover agent
To the side of the light
Covert opperations
While folks gasp at the sight,
Of miracle after miracle,
They though only Jesus could perform
Proving once and for all,

Not knowing what hit them,
What bliss they had instore
Or how much happier we all can be
If we'd just care a little more.

Rock the therapy musical
And make a girls dream come true
Get a grand ole opening
Invite everyone we knew.

An Oscar for magik
Turning lead into gold
A Tony on sunset
For shagging Norma
Stone cold.

Jimmy choos
Hunter shoes
Burberry trench
Body by finch

Intense intuition,
Compassion and vitality
Eternal youth and vision
Bringing Immortality.

A Penthouse
full of little faces
From all over the globe
A Teddy that is happy always
a story like Job.
Traveling many places
To feed his appetite to explore
To sane his good graces.
While papa begs for more!